
NCDFGroup Disclaimer

At NCDFGroup, we emphasise the importance of compliance with all relevant laws and regulations when offering or selling securities issued by our organisation. It is crucial for individuals involved in such activities to adhere to selling restrictions and suitability rules as stipulated by the applicable laws and regulations

Investing in securities, particularly structured or long-dated securities, carries inherent risks. Financial intermediaries who recommend investments in NCDFGroup-issued securities should take measures to ensure that investors fully comprehend the associated risks.

It is important to note that nothing on this website should be construed as an offer to sell any investment. Prior to engaging in any investment, we urge you to thoroughly investigate each opportunity presented to you. It is your responsibility to consult with your investment advisor before making any investment decisions.

For further inquiries, please contact us at +234 70 1112 2002 or via email at [email protected].