Research & Publications

Public private partnerships policy for NCDFGroup

Written by Hon. Hareter B. Oralusi
Chairman, NCDFGroup 


The Nigerian Capital Development Fund (NCDFGroup) recognises the strategic value and potential impact of fostering collaborations between the public and private sectors. This Public Private Partnerships (PPP) Policy outlines NCDFGroup's commitment to establishing, implementing, and managing effective partnerships that drive sustainable development, economic growth, and social progress across Nigeria.


Alignment with National Development Goals: NCDFGroup seeks PPPs that align with the national development agenda and support key priorities, including job creation, poverty reduction, infrastructure development, and community empowerment.

Transparency and Accountability: NCDFGroup is committed to maintaining transparency in the PPP process, ensuring openness in partner selection, project implementation, and performance assessment. Clear accountability mechanisms will be established to track progress and outcomes.

Value Creation and Innovation: NCDF endeavours to create value and foster innovation through PPPs, aiming to leverage the strengths and resources of both public and private sectors for impactful and sustainable projects.

Inclusivity and Social Impact: The PPPs initiated by NCDF will prioritise inclusivity, aiming to benefit marginalised communities and promote social impact by addressing socio-economic disparities and enhancing livelihoods.

Policy Framework

Identification and Evaluation

NCDF will identify potential PPP opportunities that align with its core objectives and the socio-economic needs of Nigeria. Thorough feasibility studies and due diligence will be conducted to assess the viability, risks, and potential impacts of proposed partnerships.

Partner Selection and Engagement

NCDF will engage in a transparent and competitive selection process to choose suitable private sector partners. Criteria will include the partner's expertise, commitment to sustainability, financial capacity, and alignment with NCDF's values and objectives.

Agreement and Project Implementation

PPP agreements will be structured with clear terms, roles, and responsibilities defined for each partner. NCDF will work collaboratively with private partners to execute projects efficiently, ensuring adherence to agreed timelines and quality standards.

Monitoring, Evaluation, and Adaptation

NCDF will establish robust monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to track project progress, measure impact, and assess compliance with set targets. Regular reviews will be conducted to adapt strategies and address challenges in real-time.

Stakeholder Engagement and Community Involvement

NCDF will actively engage stakeholders, including local communities, civil society organizations, and relevant government bodies, to ensure their participation, feedback, and alignment with project goals.

Risk Management and Mitigation

Risk assessment will be integral to the PPP process. NCDF will identify potential risks and implement strategies to mitigate them, ensuring the sustainability and success of partnership initiatives.

Knowledge Sharing and Capacity Building

NCDF will promote knowledge sharing and capacity building among partners and stakeholders, facilitating the transfer of expertise, skills, and best practices to enhance the success of PPPs.

Implementation and Review

The implementation of this PPP Policy will be overseen by a dedicated PPP unit within NCDF. Periodic reviews and assessments will be conducted to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of the policy, enabling necessary adaptations and improvements.


NCDF is committed to leveraging PPPs as a strategic tool to drive sustainable development, economic growth, and social progress in Nigeria. This policy outlines our dedication to fostering transparent, inclusive, and impactful partnerships that create lasting value for the nation and its people.